Carepicha Blog

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

System Of A Down - Sugar

The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)
Well I'm not there all the time you know
Some people, some people, some people,
Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar)
I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport,
With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)
You know that every time I try to go
Where I really want to be,
It's already where I am,
Cause I'm already there.(sugar)
The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray, (sugar)
I got a gun the other day from Sako,
It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket,
Yeah, right in my pocket, (sugar)
My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
And I just kick her, and then she's O.K. ,she's O.K.(sugar)
People are always chasing me down,
Trying to push my face to the ground,
Where all they really want to do,
Is suck out my mother fucking brains, my brains (sugar).
The kombucha mushroom people,
Sitting around all day,
Who can believe you,
Who can believe you,
Let your mother pray
I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music,
Just anger,
I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
Fuck you, it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
How do I feel,
What do I say,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away,
In the end it all goes away.

by MSB


3 comentarios:

El puntero dijo...

Hola saludos primero que nada, nos gustaría que te dieras de alta con nosotros en nuestro directorio internacional de blogs, estamos revisando blogs y los de mejor contenido estamos tomando la iniciativa de invitarlos a unirse a nuestro directorio como eres de los primeros tendrás un seguimiento privilegiado y claro ayudara a mejorar el ranking de tu blog y será visto por mas personas!!! espero te animes a unirte y se de los primeros de este gran proyecto.
Solo te pedimos, que como apoyo agregues nuestro botón ,al final esta el código HTML , de antemano te damos las gracias por tu apoyo y bienvendo.

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Espartano dijo...

que solidez system.....hasta ahora encuentro este blog...y seguiré pasando...rockero de corazon
This is Spartaaa

wilker dijo...

sdDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDKKKKKKKKKKKKKKJAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWUUUUUUUUY Oi sou o Wilker Lovely... futebol-eu adoro futebol sou lateral esquerdo meia direita... music-rock,hip hop... blog pra quem quer algumas dicas de como paquerar... [email protected].
